Looking for ways to fix your too-thick eyelash extensions can prevent annoyance and save you money. Also, wearing too long or thick lash extensions makes you look unreal and can also hurt your eyelids.
Here are a few ways to help make them appear lighter and more natural:
- If they are too long, ask your technician to trim them.
- If they are too thick, consider using a more lightweight mascara to balance them out.
- Avoid using waterproof mascara as it will make them appear even thicker.
- After trying these tips, consider removing them and starting fresh with a new set of extensions if they are still too thick.
How to fix eyelash extensions that are too thick
Eyelash extensions are becoming a more popular beauty treatment as they add length and volume to natural lashes. However, if they are applied too thickly, they can look unnatural and heavy. This article will show you how to fix eyelash extensions that are too thick.
The best way to fix eyelash extensions that are too thick is to remove them and start again. This can be done quickly at home using a pair of tweezers.
Step by step tutorial to fix thick lash extensions
If you have applied your eyelash extensions too thickly, don’t worry – you can quickly fix them at home. In this DIY tutorial, we will show you how to remove and repair your eyelash extensions in just a few minutes.
- First, use tweezers to remove one extension at a time gently. Be careful not to pull on your natural lashes too much.
- Then, use a lash curler to curl your natural lashes. This will help them look more realistic with the extensions removed.
- Finally, reapply the extensions using less glue and/or more minor extensions. Make sure you space them evenly across your lash line.
Visit a salon
Eyelash extensions are a great way to add volume and length to your natural lashes. However, if you accidentally go to an eyelash stylist who applies for too many extensions, don’t worry! Your stylist can help you trim or feather them, so they look more natural. Plus, depending on how thick your extensions are, the stylist may also remove some of them individually with the help of oil or alcohol. So don’t be afraid to go back and ask for help – it’ll be worth it!
Wait it out
If you’re unhappy with your eyelash extensions because they are too thick, don’t worry – there is a fix! Just wait a week or two, and they will start to fall out naturally. This is because eyelash extensions are not permanent, and they fall off over time. As your natural lashes fall out and new ones grow in, the volume lashes also fall away.
Usually, you lose between 15 to 21 lashes every week. So, in other words, you lose the same number or more of eyelash extensions if you were wearing them.
So, if you have eyelash extensions that are too thick, waiting for 10 to 15 days will thin them down naturally. Typically, you lose about 30% of your volume lashes within the first two weeks.
By following these steps, you can fix eyelash extensions too thick in just a few minutes!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you thin out thick eyelash extensions?
Thinning out thick eyelash extensions can be tricky, but it is doable. You will need to use a thinning shear to cut the lashes evenly. Be very careful not to cut the natural lash, as this can damage them and fall out prematurely. Start by trimming the extensions as close to the natural lash line as possible. Then, use the thinning shear to cut them evenly. Make sure to hold the shear parallel to the lashes and avoid cutting them at an angle. If you are not comfortable using a thinning shear, you can also use a small pair of scissors. Just be sure to be very careful when trimming them.
If you have thick eyelash extensions, you may have difficulty getting them to look natural. Thinning them out can help make them more manageable and give you a softer, more natural look. Be sure to take your time and be careful when trimming them so that you don’t damage your lashes.
How thick should lash extensions be?
When getting lash extensions, you may be wondering what the ideal thickness is. There is no one answer to this question, as everyone’s preferences will differ. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the thickness of your extensions.
First, you need to decide how natural your lashes look. If you want them to look very natural, you should go with a thinner thickness. If you don’t mind them being more noticeable, you can go with a thicker option.
Second, think about the look you are going for. A thicker set of extensions will give you a more dramatic look, while a thinner set will be more subtle.
Ultimately, what thickness you choose for your lash extensions is up to you. Just be sure to keep the things mentioned above in mind to make the best decision for your needs.
Can you cut down eyelash extensions?
Can you cut down eyelash extensions? This is a question that many people have, and the answer is yes – you can cut down eyelash extensions. However, it is crucial to do so carefully, as you don’t want to damage your natural lashes.
To trim your extensions, use a thinning shear or small scissors. Be very careful not to cut your natural lashes. Start by trimming them as close to the natural lash line as possible. Then, use the thinning shear or scissors to trim them evenly. Hold the shear or scissors parallel to the lashes and avoid cutting them at an angle.
If you have thick eyelash extensions, you may find it challenging to get them to look natural. Thinning them down can help make them more manageable and give you a softer, more natural look. Just be sure to take your time and be careful when trimming them so that you don’t damage your lashes.
How do you reshape eyelash extensions?
If you are not happy with the shape of your eyelash extensions, you can reshape them. However, it is vital to do so carefully, as you don’t want to damage your natural lashes.
To reshape your extensions, use a thinning shear or small scissors. Be very careful not to cut your natural lashes. Start by trimming them as close to the natural lash line as possible. Then, use the thinning shear or scissors to reshape them into the desired shape. Hold the shear or scissors parallel to the lashes and avoid cutting them at an angle.
If you have thick eyelash extensions, you may find that they are challenging to reshape into the desired shape. Thinning them down can help make them more manageable and give you a softer, more natural look. Just be sure to take your time and be careful when reshaping them so that you don’t damage your lashes.
Last Thoughts
Eyelash extensions are often too thick or long, especially when asking for a denser, fuller look. However, there is nothing to worry about – your technician can fix them. If you can’t go to them, you can also thin out volume lashes at home by feathering. It’s a great way to keep their original shape and conserve their volume.